Monday, January 10, 2011

Puffy Paint Paw Prints

Say that five times fast!

Audrey and I decided to make puffy paint tonight because I have been contemplating trying it out with my Kindergarten students and felt like I should experiment at home first. It is basically equal parts glue and shaving cream.


(A little background before I tell you how mad I was at our dog.)

The last two nights we have been feeling guilty because it’s been so cold outside, so we let our outside dog, Copper, inside. (She’s gotten a little spoiled by all the attention, warm blankets, warm bodies and endless amounts of food and water the kids have bestowed upon her.)


Back to the painting….Audrey and I were on the tablecloth on the kitchen floor painting our puffy snow paint pictures when Copper decided to make her way through the kitchen.

Can you see the evidence she left behind?

She walked through all of our pictures, across the tablecloth and all over the floor before we could stop her. Luckily, the glue/shaving cream mix was only on one paw and it was really easy to clean up. However,  I yelled at the dog. It wasn’t pretty. Audrey and Cole laughed and laughed. Then, I laughed, too.

Who’s idea was it to let the dog inside anyway. Oh, right…that was my idea. (Note to self: Don’t act like it was a stupid idea to let the dog in when you suggested it in the first place.)

I wouldn’t trade this time at home with my kiddos for all the money in the world.

Sorry for the blurry pictures. I don’t know which one was moving more, Audrey or Copper.


Audrey made both parts of this picture completely on her own.


If you’re snowed in tomorrow and have no school like us, try your hand at puffy paint right after you decide to let the dog in. You’ll never know how much fun you’re missing if you don’t. Smile


  1. I may give this a go today! Thanks Marlana!!

  2. We did this today for our snow day celebration! LOVED IT!! Super easy. I'll have to blog the pics and post a link back here to your post. Great idea Marlana!!


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