Sunday, January 16, 2011

I don’t know where she gets it

One thing Cole and Audrey have had in common from the time they were big enough to hold a pencil is their love of drawing.  Both of them have loved drawing, making creations and giving a little gift of themselves with each piece of artwork. Audrey has chosen to add a little detail to each of her pictures lately by giving us some background about her drawings.


I know you can’t see this one well, but she drew grass, the sun, flowers, a tree and a tree swing.


A snowman


I thought his one was cute. Then, she added, “This is my brother when he was a baby in jail.” I don’t know where she gets this stuff, but it was cute. I thought maybe it was crib or something, but no. The little black dot to the right of ‘Cole’ is the doorknob.


A “generator”


“Cole at school screaming.” The big red circle is his mouth. The black thing on top if his head is a hat. I’ve never received a phone call from his teachers about this, but apparently this is what Audrey thinks is happening.


A flower


Audrey gives each of us about 10 pictures per day. I’m not exaggerating. John keeps each and every piece of paper she gives him. I am a little more selective, but I do look forward to seeing everything she comes up with.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I need to take pictures of the kid's artwork as well.

    It would definitely be easier to take a picture than it is to keep each one.

    I, like you, don't keep them all. It pains me a little to throw them away, but I tell myself that if I don't, are house will be filled with scrap pieces of paper.

    Steven, however, does keep each one the kids actually "give" him. They fill up the inside of his truck and he looks at them when he is at work and "remembers" (Blake's term) his kids.


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