Friday, January 26, 2018

Sunshine Makes Me Happy

This morning, I left my baby girl at home for the third day in a row because she hasn't been feeling well. Thankfully, she doesn't have the flu that everyone seems to have around here, but her tummy has been miserable. When I walked out the door, I saw this beautiful sunrise and immediately felt a calmness about her sickness and I am incredibly thankful that my husband is self-employed and can stay home with her on days like this. 

The sky was  absolutely gorgeous!

As I was on my way to work, Cole was driving behind me on his way to school. I stopped and waved him past because I knew he had a meeting this morning and I just wanted to stop for a picture on our gravel road. I'm so glad I did. Within 20 minutes, the sky was completely gray and there wasn't much sun to be seen. 

Tomorrow, Audrey and I are suppose to go with Cole to his college Presidential Scholarship interview and lunch and I'm getting nervous for him. His interview is only 15-20 minutes long and will determine whether he gets a scholarship for $50,000 or the $20,000 he has already earned. That's a huge deal for us, as we don't desire for him to have ton of college debt. We want him to be able to start his adult life as free and clear as possible. Please say a little prayer for him that he will get it.

I'm looking forward to a wonderful weekend with my family!

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